Easily prioritize: Move Timeline made Easy

Published on:
January 17, 2023

Moving to a new place sounds terrific. New beginnings, a fresh start, brand-new living space, and refreshed neighborhood. However, all these things fall down the drain because of the overwhelming yet daunting moving experience.

Relax, it doesn’t have to be like that. If you decide to do it on your own, Experia moving have best movers in nyc and we are here to help. We created the whole packing plan with the move timeline so your whole moving process can be 100% stress-free!

We will start the packing timeline one month before the move, going to three and two weeks all the way to your moving day! Let’s dive in!

When to Start Packing to Move

A good rule of thumb is to start packing between six weeks to one month before the move. This will give you enough time to prepare everything, clean, organize, book a truck or a company, buy necessary items, and pack.

The next question is how to start packing to move. Below is the move timeline list from day one of packing to the very last day when it is time to move.

One Month Before the Move:

Before we move to the actual packing timeline, we need to make a list of everything you need for packing and transporting. To facilitate that process, follow our thoroughly explained moving supply list.

In our guide for creating a moving list, you have every necessary thing you will need once you start packing. We covered gathering boxes, packing tape, bubble wraps, even first aid, lunch boxes, and other packing materials. Once you have made a list by the guide, assign deadlines to each task. This way, you can stay organized and ensure you don’t forget anything.

We are starting our packing schedule for moving one month beforehand. At this time, you can start packing briefly.

The first thing you want to pack and remove from your current residence or office is the thing that you rarely or do not use at all.

Here’s an instance if you are moving to a new home.

Start packing out-of-season clothes. Let’s say it’s January, and you are moving in February. Those cute summer dresses or shorts are for sure not going to be in use for the next couple of months. Get rid of those.

An instance when moving the office.

Remember that old paperwork that you never need but for some reason, you cannot throw it away? Pack them first. If you didn’t need them in the last couple of years, you wouldn’t need them for the next month for sure!

Three Weeks Before the Move:

The packing to move timeline continues three weeks before the move.

●    Start purchasing specialty boxes

You can either buy them all or one by one. We advise you to purchase them all, including boxes for clothes, boxes of different sizes, and boxes for items such as mirrors, paintings, and TVs.

●    Continue packing items that you use sparingly

Include items and belongings that are not needed for everyday use, like maybe some extra kitchen utensils, pillowcases, bed sheets, or perhaps house decorations.

●    Look for a truck to rent

Three weeks before the move is a good time to start looking for a truck to rent. It’s always a good idea to reserve a truck earlier than wait until the last minute and not even get one!

If you think everything is just too tiring for you and you are afraid of forgetting something or breaking, you can always contact us to help you by giving you the best quote for the best prices!

Two Weeks Before the Move:

●    Pack the rest of your clothes and linens

The next step for our packing plan for moving is starting to pack the clothes and linens. Ensure you pack the ones that you are not using as well as clothes that you will not wear. It’s a good idea to leave a few combinations for the next two weeks and a few pairs of footwear.

All other things you can start slowly packing in the wardrobe boxes to facilitate the burden of packing since the clothes usually take most of your time and space.

●    Start removing and disassembling appliances

At this point, you can also start disconnecting and disassembling large appliances and electronics but small home appliances as well.

For instance, your kitchen mixers, fruit blender, or even your microwave if you plan on using something other than it. If you have a few TVs around the house, start dissembling them and packing them as well. You can leave at least one to have some entertainment for those relaxing weekends.

One Week Before the Move:

●    Pack the rest of your things and call the moving/truck company for details

When it comes one week before the move, it is a good idea to start packing all of other of your belongings as well as cleaning the palace slowly. If you have the moving company on the way, ensure to call them and confirm the details.

if you rent a truck, also contact the company to check on the details. It’s also a good idea to arrange for utilities to be turned off at your old home on a day you plan on moving, as well as turned on at your new home.

A Few Days Before the Move:

●    Prepare the documents and first aid kit

By following the supply list, you cannot miss a thing. Ensure that you have a first aid kit and a lunch box that you will prepare a day before the move. Also, gather all the necessary documents in one palace so you can have them in your hands at all times.

●    Make a “box of essentials”

Pack a box of essentials that you will need on your first few days in your new home. This is a good idea because once you arrive, you will not be able to unpack everything in one day. Ensure one box has everything you need for the first few days, like your hygiene equipment, a towel, money and documents, and a few dress combinations. Pack all of the remaining things left.

●    Defrost the refrigerator and freezer

Remember to thoroughly clean your refrigerator and freezer after defrosting them. If you are selling that place or renting, you don’t want to leave a mess. A few days before your leave is a good time to prepare the refrigerator and also remove all the food from it.


●    Check with your superiors

Last but not least thing you should do is check with your superior if there’s a free parking space for your truck. This refers to the ones who live in the building; as for the ones living in the house, ensure there’s enough room where the truck will be parked.

●    Talk to your neighbors

It’s a good idea to tell your former neighbors that you will be moving so they can move their cars if they’re worried about access. It’s an even better idea to tell your new neighbors that you will be moving in soon and warn them that you will be in the bundling, moving, that exact day. This will be a very polite gesture from you and also a nice way to meet your new neighbors.

The Day Before the Move:

Everything should be packed by now. Just a few necessary things that you need should be unpacked, like your PJs, toothbrush and hygiene equipment, phone charger, and of course, some food.

●    Prepare a lunch box

Prepare a lunch box for the next day, like a sandwich, a chocolate bar, and of course, water. Ensure your documents and keys to your new home are all gathered and in your carry-on purse.

●    Check your supply list

Check your moving supply list to see if everything is there. Clean the things you left behind and tidy them. Once again, go through all of your boxes and ensure all of them are labeled. Also, it’s good to check with your moving company once again or with the company you rent a truck from. Confirm the time they will arrive and other necessary details.

Moving Day:

●    Go through the place once again

When that day arrives, everything should be already packed and prepared. All you need to do is ensure that necessary things are right there with you. Go through your place again to check if everything is packed and where it needs to be. If there’s anything left behind, pack them and clean them.

●    Happy moving day!

Once the company arrives, or the truck, all the boxes will be pretty soon on the way to your new home. Ensure that the boxes are placed in the right room. After all of them are settled in, start unpacking the necessary boxes and then unpack one by one as needed. In no time at all, you will be settling into your new home and feeling cozy!

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